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Thursday, March 22, 2018

CS PS 9.2 Upgrade status

The Custom Solutions PeopleSoft 9.2 Upgrade project continues to make progress. Here are a few highlights for this month:

Gender Identity, Pronouns, and Preferred Name project
This project is on track with various milestones. One portion went live in January that added students’ preferred names to the Waitlist pages and Permission Number pages in PeopleSoft. This helps reduce confusion for schedulers, instructors, and other staff. The other part of the project that will allow all students, staff, and faculty to add a gender identity and/or pronoun via the MyU portal is scheduled to go live in mid-June. There has been a variety of presentations and outreach happening around the campus such as aa recent article in the Minnesota Daily.

Parent/Guest Access project
The 9.2 Parent/Guest Access project continues to move forward with usability testing scheduled for the end of March. The new Parent/Guest Access landing page is scheduled to launch April 22. Nate Peterson (project lead) will be giving presentations for the following system councils to train staff/trainers from each campus: System Registrar’s Council, System One Stop Leads Council, System One Stop Website Council, System Financial Aid Council, and System Student Finance Council. If you have additional questions, reach out to Nate at pete2787@umn.edu.

Education Abroad (EA) project
Two parts of the project are moving into production in March. The addition of the Credit Type field, and the addition of the biographic and demographic information to the EA system are approved to move to production. Both of these will improve the efficiency for EA staff.

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