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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Student Success Analytics (SSA) efforts

The University has prioritized the use of student and institutional data (enrollment statistics, student characteristics, degree progress, etc.) and analytics to enhance student success. In 2016, the University assessed available solutions and recommended building an internal system that could handle the size of the University, its complexity, and would provide transparency for users. This recommendation lead to the Student Success Analytics (SSA) initiative. The goal is to improve student success by positively affecting the student academic experience.

SSA will help the University reach the Board of Regent’s benchmarks and legislative goals to:
  • Increase student retention and timely graduation
  • Lower student debt at graduation
  • Improve curricular design, delivery, and transparency
The first phase of Curriculum Analysis has been delivered to Duluth in the form of a new Curriculum Analysis Dashboard. The dashboard analyzes courses by taking history of Duluth NHS undergrad students who earned degrees in four vs. five years. For each program, plan, and subplan, the dashboard compares when students took particular classes. Comparing these distributions, the dashboard recommends a “take by” term that aligns with historical patterns of 4-year degree completion. The benefit is that it creates actionable advice for students on how to sequence courses in order to stay on track to graduate in 4 years.

Additional sub-projects of the SSA initiative are; Undergraduate Degree Progress which will identify students at risk of not graduating in 4 years, and the Retention Risk Analysis which is defined as the probability that an undergraduate student on any campus will discontinue their academic career.

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