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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Sue's update (November 2015)

I enjoyed seeing many of you for our system campus meeting earlier and only wish we could get together more frequently. We had a lot of cross functional sessions that were so worthwhile. I truly believe we work very well as a team and focus on the University and its students.

The Budget Office is scheduling meetings with Crookston, Rochester, and Morris during the December Regents’ meeting to discuss the Regents’ process card. Eleanor and I have been invited to attend and she’ll provide you updates from those meetings. I believe they are scheduling a campus visit with Duluth.

We have received some applications for the Office of Student Finance director position. Jeremy Todd will be leading a small search committee to determine if we have viable candidates. If they believe we can move to interviews, all of you will be invited to participate. We will keep you posted.

The Education Advisory Board and Student Success Collaborative Corporation (EAB, SSC) is reaching out to your campuses. As I have mentioned them briefly, we will be evaluating the predictive information this spring to see if it provides the University with information we currently don’t have available to us. I hear they are reaching out to some of your campuses, please do not sign up as we set the Statement of Work up for all campuses and we are providing them with all campuses data. Feel free to give me a call for more information.

As registration has started, we all continue to work with passion and pride for the success of the student experience. Thank you.

Please continue to reach out to me with any questions you may have on any topic.

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